Dress: from Velvetrythms--May group gift -I blogged about Velvetrythms previously (see here) and just love it for what I call the 'elegant hippy' look, if there is even such a term since it sounds a bit like an oxymoron! And this group gift in lovely breezy purple with a dangerously low neckline is simply to die for!

Dress: Koakuma Dress from Schoen--lucky board gift-For the life of me, I don't know why I have never owned a Schoen till now..I mean I see lovely Schoen dresses all over the feeds, especially the latest pink one (forgot the name now heh) but our paths never did cross. I even got this dress by fluke because I was actually shopping at another store nearby and lo and behold, as I raised my eyes I saw my letter flash across the board a little distance away!! Amazing! The board there was sure happy to see me! If only it worked like this always!!

Hair in pics above: Apricot from AY.LinE--May group gift-I lurrve hair from AY.LinE not just because I get free hair regularly (though that helps of course)

Shorts Outfit: from Popfeel--group gift-This brand is for the young and the young at heart and I love that they stock everything from casuals to sweet to elegant...don't think there is naughty though

Hair: Minibara from AY.LinE--shop opening gift
Earrings: Sweet Earrings from LoQ--group gift
By the way, for some reason ever since my second rez day I have been embolden to experiment with different shapes and skins, to the point that now I don't even recognize myself anymore!

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