Today I just felt like being a little more adventurous à la Indiana Jones, thanks to this group gift I got from [AMG Boudoir] (which, by the way, also sells great hair, clothes and shoes for men and women-oh, and skins too)! OK I know this cute fedora hat with the pretty red satin trim from Paris Metro doesn't quite go with the rugged look (it's more Justin Timberlake than Indiana I think! hee), but hey, I needed something to shield my poor head from the scorching sun! So, armed with my trusty whip from Son!a and faithful Snakecharmer boots (which I hope will 'charm' those rattlesnakes to death--literally hehe) from FM Shoes, I headed for the awe-inspiring Desert Rose sim...
All ready for action !! If I can find it, that is...

Time to depart from this rose in the desert...sigh

Outfit: Coyote from AMG Boudoir--group gift (comes in a few other colours too)
Hair: Yukawa from AMG Boudoir--group gift
Hat: from Paris Metro--free
Gloves: Immerschoen Girl Leather Gloves from Immerschoen
Tatoo: Tatoo Belly Don't Touch Me from niciARTLINE at Immerschoen
Whip Legband: from Son!a
Boots: Snakecharmer from FM Shoes
Location: Desert Rose (Many thanks to the owners of Desert Rose, who, after sizing me up, decided I was not a security threat and thereby graciously granting me the freedom to take pics anywhere and everywhere)!

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