When I first got this 'Best Friends' pose giftie from aDORKable, immediately I thought to myself, "I've got to take a pic with Xanthe!" Yeah, I'm talking about Xanthe Audeburg, the shape maker and owner of Curvy Silhouettes and fellow blogger. It's interesting that in my more than two years here in SL, besides my dear Erwin, there hasn't been anyone who really comes close to what I can call a good friend..but for Xanthe and myself, even though we are quite different in personality--she's laid back, sweet and gentle while I'm very intense and task-oriented, still, we do share some similiar traits and similiar hobbies, such as blogging, and we also share about some of our concerns and some juicy bits of gossip here and there *hee*! And every now and then when I am really upset about someone or something, I will bug poor Xanthe to no end and (bless her soul) she always has time for me and my nonsense! Honestly, when I first bought a yummy shape from Curvy Silhouettes, I never imagined that it would be the start of a very good friendship, and in a 'virtual jungle' like SL (yes it can be worse than RL sometimes *sigh*), it's so refreshing and such a blessing to have a friend like Xanthe--no drama, no ego, no bull, no clue *LOL* Thank you for everything and for just being you Xanthe! MUACHHH!

A closer look at Xanthe (the cute blonde) and myself...
What Xanthe is wearing:
Top: Her Pleasure in Powder from Boom
Skirt: Jinny Blue Flowers from Candydoll
Necklace: Sweny from R.A. Crystal--reopening memorial gift
Hair: Megu from eha
Shape: Oriana from Curvy Silhouettes--coming soon!
Skin: Eva from Tuli
What I'm wearing:
Dress: Sheer Silver Dots from Badkatz
Necklace: Modern Necklace from PB Collection
Hair: Regina from Hair Solutions
Skin: Adina from Lara Skin
Poses with props: Best Friends from aDORKable--subscriber gift
P.S. If you don't see Xanthe's necklace in the second pic, it's because she had to remove it to avoid lag

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