Sometimes it's therapeutic to gaze at passers-by below from the balcony and just let your mind (and eyes) wander freely....

Top: Ibiza from Timmy--gift (thank you Glasz)!
Shorts: Hickory from Mirrors--group gift
Necklace: Flower of Necklace from Skill Normal
Bangles: Mess of Nature Bangles from Ear Candy
Tattoo: Tattoo Wish Heart Erwin from niciARTLINE--custom-made gift from Nici (xxxx Nici)!
Hair: The Upshaw from Analog Dog
Flats: Floral Ballerinas from Indie Rose--subscriber gift
Speaking of Mirrors, here's more...

Outfit and Bag: Mabare Top, Free Tibet Jeans and Crystal Bag all from Mirrors--group gifts
Shoes: Sofia from Donna Flora--free
Hair: nManMa (hat included) from Dura--summer gift
Dress: Halty Disco Gold from Mirrors--group gift
Hair: River from Kin
Stockings: Ribbon Stockings from Mirrors--group gift
Boots: Bree from Clocktower Designs
/me is looking at the second picture from the top wipping the sweat off his forehead "baby, these pants.... they are so low, you might as well pull them all the way down...."
Hmm..maybe I should! *grin*