Friday, January 21, 2011

Whimsical Birds

Nothing like bird-watching on a nice warm day for some rest and relaxation and wearing a pretty dress that's covered with cute little bird motifs... Smiley

Dress: Whimsical Birds (includes headband; hair from Garden Party Outfit also from Mercy Style ) from Mercy Style--60L
Pose with birds: Just A Pose (old pose but still one of my favourites--previously 99L)

Thank you Mercy! xxx


  1. Awesome pics you did there! Are those bird poses still available? See, you make me want the things you blog, that's not nice of you! :p

  2. LOL Moniq!! Thank you for your kind comments! I just checked the store, and guess what? The poses are still there!! But they are selling at 199L now though:-(

  3. love the pics too...beautiful capture:)

  4. Thank you Annomis! It took me quite long to find a sim that had mountains and birds, so I almost gave up! lol


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