It's time for another 60L Weekend at Victoria Endsleigh! Woot! Actually you don't have to wait till the weekend--they are on sale now! I know you're going to love these fantastic dresses and gowns, all of which come with hair, and some outfits even include jewellery and shoes! I love the names of the outfits too, especially the Lust Gown (which is probably the sexiest and also most daring of all with very little left to the imagination *grin*), the Spy Who Loved Me (now all I need is James Bond!) and the play on words in the Nothing Sweet Dress! Looks like Victoria had quite a ball with these creations!

Midnight Sun (includes pearls, bracelets and hair)--60L

Lust Gown (hair included)--60L

The SpY WhO LoVeD Me (includes jacket, lingerie, hair, collar and stockings; gun not included)--60L

Swan Gown (hair, jewellery and shoes not included)--60L

Vixen (includes empire dress, stockings and bolero; hair and jewellery not included)--60L

Nothing Sweet Dress (includes hair, lingerie, stockings and shoes; jewellery not included)--60L
Taxi to Victoria Endsleigh Couture
Poses: Posies, Niqotine Poses (store closed)
Thank you Victoria! xxxx
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