Wow, looks like one of my favourite designers Victoria Endsleigh has been busy as a bee this past week! She has not only finished remodelling her main store, but has also demonstrated (again) her versatility as a designer by creating so many different designs for various occasions and moods, most of which come complete with skin, hair and shoes, just perfect for someone like me!
Let's start with the freebie! This Pink Vamp Gown which includes a Vamp baby with pose (I don't know why this always makes me smile), gloves, hair, skin and shoes will be free for one week! So hurry!
Next are the 60L items: Enslaved to Beauty (includes hair and shoes), Morning Mist (includes hair, head band and skin; necklace and earrings not included)
Cherie Gown (includes two skirt options, earrings, stockings, bag, skin and hair)--also 60L
And now for the rest of the gorgeous collection:
Bows and Roses (hair with bow, skin and stockings included, necklace and earrings not included, Fifties Floral Dress (includes skin, hair and shoes)
Coral Reef Gown (includes two skirt options, hair with head band and skin; necklace not included)
Gypsy Rosa Gown (includes necklace, skin, hat, two skirt options, Bone Scarpin shoes and Rosa Wedges; hair not included)
Kitten Babydoll (includes skin and hair; necklace and bracelet not included), Iced Latte (includes boots, skin and hair), Desert Flower (includes hair with head piece, shoes and skin)
Earth Child (includes shoes, hair and skin; earrings not included), Eclectic Fall Gown (includes bangle, hat, stockings, hair and skin), White Chocolate Gown (includes hair, skin, stockings and boots; necklace and earrings not included)
Lelfeur Gown (includes hair, hat, stockings and skin), Whipped Cream Gown (includes stockings, shoes, hair and skin; choker, earrings and bracelet not included), Swing Time Dress (includes hair and wedges)
And here's your limo to Victoria Endsleigh--happy shopping!
Thank you Victoria! xxxx
This outfit is perfect for lazy bums like me because it comes complete with accessories and footwear! In RL this would probably be the first thing I'd grab from my wardrobe if I were in a hurry--now if only I could change hair and skin with a click in RL too! *hee*
Outfit: Like a Star (boots and accessories included) from [NMD]
Hair with Hat: Arai from Dura
Poses: Olive Juice and Posies
Have you ever had one of those nights when you just can't sleep no matter what? Well this is one of those nights for me, and this post was actually meant for another day, but I guess I might as well post it now, especially when earlier on in SL I realized that the necklace I was wearing in these pics were nowhere to be found! That's the problem with preparing a post too way in advance, so I hope you will all forgive me. Anyway, I thought I had better go check on the gown as well and was quite relieved to see that the Midnight Mania offer was still available. These pics were taken at a lovely sim named Misty Heights where I saw some quaint little shops selling pretty dresses and skins, and I also had the privilege of meeting one of the designers Etienne Sahara who was really friendly and helpful all the time I was there. Unfortunately, I was struggling with my viewer at that time so I couldn't really look around much, but I sure plan to return soon! Also, my Plurk friend Corina has been hounding me to post something white with lace, or something white at least, so this is for you Corina, hope you're reading this! And talking about Plurk, for some reason I have not been able to access it for the last two days! Maybe that's why I'm having a sleepless night! OK kiiiiiddding!
Gown: Pure Rose from Desiree's Rose--MM gift
Necklace: Going to the Ball Necklace from Magia--free (no longer available)
Hair: Lan from DrLife
Location: Misty Heights
OMG! Victoria Endsleigh has these six gorgeous dresses and gowns for sale at only 60L this weekend! I love practically all her creations because they exude sensuality and hug me in ways that accentuate curves I never thought I had! This designer certainly knows what a woman needs! But above all else, I find Victoria to be a very sweet and gentle person as well, as lovely as the beautiful clothes she designs!
This outfit is both urban grunge chic and semi-formal elegance--talk about versatility!
Boho and Chic (includes skin, necklace, stockings, hair with hat)
How I love the sweet, innocent air about this dress!
Sugah (includes skin and hair)
Just love that high slit at the side and the no-nonsense big hair--this is one lady you wouldn't want to mess with! *grin*
Avalon (includes gloves, hair, hip and shoulder flower accessories--wearing Sugah skin)
I couldn't help chuckling again and again over this sexy ensemble because of the baby! Trust Victoria to come up with something unexpected! A Vamp with a baby? I love it!
Vampire Diaries (includes Vampire baby with pose, hair, shoulder and hip flower accessories--wearing Boho skin)
This reminds me of Red Riding Hood except here it's choco and definitely sexier, especially without the cape! And I love the pun-ny name too!
Chocolatte (includes skin, hair, cape, chocolate eggs not shown here)
Ahhh...vintage Victoria Endsleigh--no need for more words....
Shimmer Gown (includes gloves, hair and head band--wearing Boho skin)
All clothing, skin, hair and accessories from Victoria Endsleigh Couture
Poses: HogePodge from Juxtapose
Here I am on this little wooden platform that reminds me of a bridge of some sort, with choppy waters beneath me in the midst of an otherwise tranquil neighbourhood, feeling rather pensive as I recall some of the lyrics of this famous song, which is probably one of the greatest songs of all time, well, for me at least...
When you're weary
Feeling small
When tears are in your eyes
I will dry them all
I'm on your side
When times get rough
And friends just can't be found
Like a bridge over troubled water
I will lay me down
Like a bridge over troubled water
I will lay me down
--Simon And Garfunkel 'Bridge Over Troubled Water'
Top: 99Balloons fom auTre--subscriber gift
Necklace: Sascha from Ganked--subscriber gift
Hair: Baochai from DrLife
I always look forward to group gifts from Avon + Alpha because designer Michiko sure knows how to make lovely unique pieces, and sometimes they are not necessarily jewellery, as seen in one of the previous gifts (see here) which included an assortment of scarves and sunglasses! So it's no surprise that Avon + Alpha is the one accessory store I blog about most--just do a search for Avon in my blog and you will see why! Oh and about this pic today--it took me like an eternity just to take this one pic! For some reason everything rezzed so slowly for me yesterday, and you see those cute little brown chickens there? Well they were black for more than half hour *sheesh* and my Plurk friend Tarak asked if I had burnt them! Sure gives new meaning to 'burnt offerings'!*hee*
Dress: Star de Malizz from Malizz Yiyuan--group gift
Jewellery: Horseshoe Necklace&Bangles from Avon + Alpha--group gift
Hair: The Affair from Atomic