The talented creator behind
Curvy Silhouettes, Xanthe Audeburgh (whom I absolutely adore for her realistic female shapes and whose shapes I had blogged about twice--see posts under: Curvilicious and Yummilicious regarding her Saffron and Amber shapes), has specially created another winner named Emile just for the Haiti charity fund!! Emile retails for only 50L and all proceeds will go to the Red Cross!! You get one great shape at a great price and for a good cause too! So what are you waiting for?
Shape: Emile from
Curvy Silhouettes--50L (all proceeds will go to the Red Cross)
Hair: gST01 from
Choker: Ivory Cameo Pearl Choker (includes matching earrings) from
Rhiamon's Realm Jewelry--60L
Dress: DA Fabulous from
Dressing Aphrodite (comes with two skirt options)--free (FabFree 10k gift)
Now for the beach test (or rather, drool test-hehe) again....beachboys here I come!!!!!!!!!.

um....mind if I join you? to my ears.....(NOT to those around me though LOL)

Godddd..I sure hate mind games! lol

Time to relax after all that brain work !! *grin*

Wonder if I can skinny dip here?

Well as in the two previous beach tests with Xanthe's shapes, this one attracted the same amount of attention from men AND women (and one Na'vi *LOL*), if not thanks Xanthe once again for giving us another killer shape!!! LOL