Summer Suit Hokeo Hawaii Azure from Legal Insanity--Aloha Fair Exclusive (other colours available)
Flower Garland from Legal Insanity--Aloha Fair gift
Cecelia Hair (with new easy-to-use HUD) from Tameless--new!
Joana Eyes (green) from Pelle--new!
Ivy Skin-Sweet Pale (with gloss, freckle and beauty mark tattoo layers, cleavage, blonde eyebrows and nose tattoo layers) from Lara Hurley Skin
Amber Pose from Bounce This Poses--opening gift
Cecelia Hair (with new easy-to-use HUD) from Tameless--new!
Joana Eyes (green) from Pelle--new!
Ivy Skin-Sweet Pale (with gloss, freckle and beauty mark tattoo layers, cleavage, blonde eyebrows and nose tattoo layers) from Lara Hurley Skin
Amber Pose from Bounce This Poses--opening gift