Wednesday, February 10, 2010

Red Beauty

I know there is a sea of red out there this season, but I MUST have this red beauty here from one of my favourite gown designers because I just love everything about it--the colour, the detail, the train, and the price too *grin*!

Ballgown: Moment from Simone--50L (special price)
Hair: Gloss from Tekuteku
Necklace: Flower Pearl Necklace from Brillante--100L (sale)
Earrings: Flower Pearl Earrings from Brillante-50K (sale)

1 comment:

  1. um..我不知道那個美麗的詞語的真正含義,但我希望你的意思是你喜歡 *LOL* 對不起,我的中文不好:-)


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